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Clearing the Air About Land Clearing

equipment at land clearing site with trees in background

Many have heard of land clearing but are unaware of its many benefits for business, farms and even the environment. So, what is land clearing anyway? Land clearing is the process of removing trees, stumps, brush, stones and other obstacles from an area as required for land improvement or construction projects. There are many reasons one might require this service, whether they be agricultural, residential, environmental and more. Each one offers its own unique set of benefits. But, regardless of the reason, there are some things everyone should know before deciding to clear a plot of land. As the trusted name in land clearing for Huntingdon County and surrounding areas in central Pennsylvania, we have put together some essential information about land clearing as well as benefits to having it performed by professionals.


Land clearing can benefit farms of all shapes and sizes. Many of today’s farms find themselves running out of pasture or tillable land. Clearing a woodlot is often a viable option compared to renting or buying additional land. It is essential however that correct methods are used to ensure a tillable field. It may involve simply removing a fencerow or clearing large acreage. No matter the size of the project, we can partner with the farmer to help them clear and convert lands with low out-of-pocket costs.

Commercial, Residential, Governmental & Industrial

Land clearing can benefit a variety of agricultural and construction projects including residential, commercial, roads, bridges, pipelines and more. Each project, of course, has its own unique needs and are highly regulated and professionally engineered. Professionals like those here at A.M. Logging have the expertise and experience to work with developers and regulators to ensure safety and compliance for proper land clearing processes.

Land Clearing in Combination with Timber Harvesting

With the size and scope of today’s modern land clearing equipment and techniques, larger in-woods landings are often required. Larger landings allow for the efficient and safe operation of the equipment needed to complete timber harvesting. When in-woods landings are needed, we find most landowners are able to convert the cleared area to food plots for wildlife once the timber harvesting is completed. In addition to reclaiming the landing with vegetation, we have also built water retention ponds to improve the environment and even attract wildlife.

Pro Tip: It is important to know before you begin any land clearing project that loggers and land clearing professionals themselves do not typically provide engineering or permitting services for land clearing projects. It is recommended to contact your local government about the permitting requirements for land clearing.

Whatever the reason you require land clearing, at A.M. Logging, we will work with you to understand the goals for your unique property. If you would like more information about land clearing for your property in Huntingdon County or surrounding areas, please call A.M. Logging at 814-349-8089 or contact us online.