So, you have decided to harvest your timber. Perhaps you have hired a professional forester to manage your sale. You may have reached out to a sawmill and are using their staff to determine the harvest prescription. Maybe you have looked up loggers on the internet and found one and reached out directly. Maybe a work associate referred a crew or company to you.
No matter how you go about finding a logger, how do you know if you have hired a good logger? A good logger is more than just a company that gets the timber harvested. They should also be trustworthy, adhere to your wishes, and do what’s best for both your needs and the forest.
As a reputable logging company in Pennsylvania, we want to share some steps you can take to know your logger and determine if they will be a good fit for your timber harvesting project.
Experienced loggers have worked for several landowners and have supplied several different mills. They have harvested sites with a prescription similar to yours and can show you what it looks like post-harvest. Are all sites the same, and will they regrow the same? Of course not, but you will have a good idea how your forest will recover.
Buyers know the good loggers. Ask your logger for names and contact information of buyers. Reach out to them; they can provide you with helpful information.
Good loggers will provide you with a written and signed contract. These contracts spell out the details of your harvest. These details should include pricing, dates, tree size and species, and restoration. Good loggers will tailor the contract to meet the specific needs of your harvest. Contracts are a must!
The Pennsylvania Safety Implementation Committee (SIC) provides core and continued training for Qualified Logging Professionals (QLP). Make sure your logger is current in the SIC training. This gives you assurance that your logger is up to date with current best management practices. It also gives you recourse in the event your logger under performs.
At A.M. Logging, LLC, we take pride in our work and relationships with our landowners. If you are contemplating a timber harvest, call us at 814-349-8089 or contact us to start the conversation! Make sure the Pennsylvania logging company you choose will meet your needs.