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Residential Mulch, Hardscapes & Decorative Stones

A.M. Logging is proud to bring quality mulch and other landscaping products at affordable prices to residential customers! Throughout Pennsylvania we have been offering wholesale mulch for years, but now anyone is able to purchase mulch in whatever quantity they need! Whether you need mulch for one flower bed at your home or for every flower bed incorporated in your landscaping, we can supply the mulch you need at prices you will appreciate. Plus, we also offer decorative stones and hardscape products to complete your landscaping projects.

A.M. Logging Playground Surfacing

We are certified by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association to provide public play surfacing. In addition to mulch for playground cover, we also provide natural mulch, premium hemlock mulch, and colored mulch (brown, black, red). When you need to order mulch for your landscaping or play area, choose A.M. Logging. You can call us at 814-349-8089 for more information, or just stop by our Lewisburg location to purchase your mulch today!

Please see our Playground Surfacing Installation Guide (click here to download)

Mulch Calculator

Residential Mulch Types in Lewisburg PA

Why Choose A.M. Logging For Your Mulch Needs?

Locally Sourced Mulch
Locally Sourced

Our mulch is a by-product of our logging operation. So, you are getting a fresh, quality product that is locally sourced.

IPEMA Certified Mulch
High Quality

We are IPEMA certified for public play surfacing. Plus, our mulch is fresh, local and the best quality for your landscape.

Customized Mulch Options

We have several mulch options to meet your needs, You can also get the exact amount you need to eliminate waste.

Ready to start your logging project? Contact A.M. Logging today!
AM Logging Land Clearing


We have modern equipment & professional staff to clear land for various projects.

Chipping  Grinding

Chipping &

We provide flail chipping, whole tree chipping & grinding services at your site or ours.


We sell & deliver quality mulch for landscapers, garden centers & retail establishments.

Timber Harvesting


We do all types of timber harvesting from thinning to shelterwood to clear cutting.