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A.M. Logging Named 2023 National Outstanding Logger by FRA

pile of logs in forest with equipment in background

The Forest Resources Association and STIHL honored A.M. Logging as the 2023 National Outstanding Logger at FRA’s Annual Meeting in Point Clear, Alabama, on May 9. FRA Chairman, Pete Stewart, presented Mark Byler, Wes Miller and Andrew Miller with a plaque to commemorate the accolade, and Doug Hollis, Territory Manager with STIHL Southeast, Inc., presented the worthy winners with a $1,000 check on behalf of STIHL, recognizing them for their achievement.

AM Logging being presented the National Outstanding Logger Award by FRA

Mark, Wes and Andrew graciously accepted the award. The owners acknowledged that their employees and families were the reason for their company’s success. Wes Miller remarked that A.M. Logging proudly supports Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and would donate the $1,000 received from STIHL at the Log A Load For Kids parade. The parade is scheduled for later in the year.

While Mark, Andrew and Wes accepted this award, it was really earned by our dedicated employees and contractors that work in the woods every day!

“We are grateful to the many landowners that have trusted us with their timber assets, the buyers that count on us, and our equipment dealers that have stood with us,” said Mark Byler.

Andrew Miller said, “We are humbled and honored to be recognized in this way by our peers.”

A.M. Logging qualified for the national award by being named the 2022 Appalachian Region Outstanding Logger. Being named the National Outstanding Logger truly is a great accomplishment, and we are so thankful for everyone who helped us achieve it.

Since 2007, A.M. Logging has provided land clearing, timber harvesting, excavating, chipping and grinding services for Pennsylvania. Since 2017, the company has been a FEMA-approved contractor for natural disaster relief. Last fall, in response to the damage caused by Hurricane Ian, A.M. Logging sent a team of employees and equipment to Pine Island, Florida. The team worked there for four months, helping to clean up debris and get people back on their feet.

Our philosophy is “zero waste,” and three years ago we purchased a mulch yard in Lewisburg. The yard is helping to meet the growing demand for hardwood mulch while providing a home for the residual, lowest-value wood from the harvesting operation.

A.M. Logging supports and participates in the Sustainable Forestry Initiative training in PA. This training helps to improve safety, environmentalism, productivity and professionalism of forest industry members. A.M. Logging also supports the Pennsylvania Forest Products Association. We are doing our best to make a difference in the industry and community while making customers happy!

FRA is an association representing the interests of more than 350 organizations and businesses in the forest products industry, including forest landowners, suppliers, consuming mills, associated businesses and state forestry associations. Members all share a common interest – they rely on FRA to promote the public policy interests of the forest products industry’s supply chain on Capitol Hill and their work to advance safety, operational and technical efficiencies, and supply chain relations.

To learn more about this award you can read the FRA press release. To learn more about A.M. Logging and the services we provide throughout Pennsylvania, give us a call at 814-349-8089 or contact us!