Mark Byler, managing member at A.M. Logging, LLC, announced that A.M. Logging has purchased the mulch division of Kuhns Bros. Lumber Co., Inc. of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. As a result of the transaction, A.M. Logging will begin servicing the former Kuhns customers from the current Kuhns yard near Lewisburg.
Mark Byler said, “This fits well with the expanding services offered by A.M. Logging. This allows us to better serve customers to our east with mulch products as well as to grow other portions of our operations in this region.”
Tim Kuhns, President of Kuhns Bros. Lumber, said, “We have had a long-standing relation with Mark and Andrew, and A.M. Logging seems like the right choice for us. A.M. Logging has a commitment to quality and service that will be a great fit for our loyal customers.” Kuhns has joined the A.M. Logging team in a purchasing and sales role.
Andrew Miller, A.M. Logging’s operations manager, said, “We are pleased to continue serving the Kuhns customers and appreciate the trust placed in us by the Kuhns family.”
Kuhns Bros. Lumber Co. is a third-generation family owned sawmill that has been operating since 1962. Tim Kuhns has served as the company’s president since 2002. Kuhns Lumber will continue to run the sawmill operation, which A.M. Logging did not acquire, at its current location.
Byler and Miller formed A.M. Logging in 2007 and have grown into one of Pennsylvania’s largest forest products producers. A.M. Logging offers timber harvesting services and food plot construction to private landowners and state agencies. A.M. Logging also provides clearing services for agriculture, commercial, residential, oil and gas, highways and right of way purposes.
A.M. Logging supplies logs to sawmills used for production of furniture, railroad ties, pallets, swamp and gas mats, etc. A.M. Logging’s product array also includes hardwood and softwood chips; pulpwood used for production of paper; wood pellets; MDF board; natural hardwood, hemlock and colored mulch; and certified chips used on play areas. Our offices are located in Millheim. For more information, feel free to contact us.