Have you looked at a home, business or similar structure and wondered “How did they build that there?” Of course, it wasn’t magic; it was the complex and comprehensive work of professional land clearing. As the experts in land clearing for Pennsylvania, we have assisted with a wide variety of projects and are here to tell you more about the many uses of land clearing.
Very rarely do loggers or land clearing professionals get any of the glory that comes with construction jobs, but they play an integral part of any construction project. When it comes to land clearing, professionals like those at A.M. Logging do more than just remove trees. They specialize in using expertise in heavy equipment to clear land, dig trenches, and prepare sites for further use. These sites include:
- Agricultural. Many of today’s farmers find themselves running out of pasture or tillable land. Renting or buying additional land may not be an option. Clearing a woodlot is often a viable option, but correct methods are important to ensure a tillable field. It may involve simply removing a fencerow or clearing large acreage. No matter the size of the project, we can partner with farmers to help them clear and convert lands with low out-of-pocket costs.
- Commercial, governmental or industrial. We provide land clearing for a variety of construction and agricultural projects. We can help with the following: residential or commercial land developments, roads, bridges, oil and gas pad sites, pipelines and more. We understand these projects are all highly regulated and professionally engineered. We have the expertise and experience to work with developers and regulators to ensure safety and compliance.
- Land clearing with timber harvesting. With the size and scope of today’s modern equipment and techniques, larger in-woods landings are often required. Larger landings allow for the efficient and safe operation of the equipment needed to complete timber harvesting. When in-woods landings are needed, we find most landowners are able to convert the cleared area to food plots for wildlife once the timber harvesting is completed.
Whatever the type of job, one of the most important functions of land clearing is the ability to clear unwanted vegetation properly and responsibly. The advanced methods used allow contractors like A.M. Logging to cut selectively and work around trees and other remaining vegetation, not simply cutting or flattening everything.
Are you interested in learning more about how land clearing can work for your project? Whatever the reason you require land clearing, at A.M. Logging, we will work with you to understand the goals for your unique property. If you would like more information about land clearing for your Pennsylvania property, please call A.M. Logging at 814-349-8089 or contact us online.